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"Our beliefs are fairly simple: we believe in providing our family, friends and community good food that is humanely raised and ecologically sustainable."
We are Jeff and Ashley Autenrieth, owners of Autenrieth Family Farm. Jeff and I always dreamt of owning and operating our own farm. When we met over fourteen years ago, the dream of doing it together began. We had both had experiences on different farms and knew we wanted to pursue having our own one day but, like many people, we weren’t sure where to begin. You really only hear about the ones that are massive and grow corn and soybeans or those that are tiny and grow everything they need on one acre. Then we read the book, You Can Farm, by Joel Salatin. We realized there was an in-between of the spectrum that would fit us perfectly.
We realized that we could build our farm how WE wanted to. We did not need to conform to someone else’s ideals of what “farming” meant. Our farm became our island, our sanctuary and our lifetime project. Believe me, if we could find a way, we likely would never leave. Since starting it we have learned so much, much of it through failure which can be the greatest teacher of them all but we have seen many successes as well. Through it all we have persisted and stuck with it. Now, seven farm seasons later we are more passionate than ever and have adapted our farming practices to give the best life possible to all our animals.

We believe nature has done a darn good job thus far of evolving creatures big and small to fill their niches within the world. Therefore, we feel it is best to let nature do what nature does best. We believe cows and sheep should graze on grass, pigs should root in dirt, chickens and turkeys should scratch in the grass for bugs. We believe people should feel a tie to the land and have knowledge about where their food comes from. Beyond that, we believe in feeding our family, friends and community meat, poultry and eggs that are humanely raised in an ecologically sustainable environment.
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