All of our products are humanely raised. We have the utmost respect for our animals since we recognize the sacrifice they are making for us to be able to have sustenance. Please read below for specifics on our different products.

Our cows are pasture raised and have not been given any hormones or antibiotics on our farm. We offer three different quantity options: a whole, a half or a quarter. It is $4.95/pound hanging weight which includes your processing. The hanging weight of the cow is the weight of the cow after it has been butchered but before it is processed into various cuts of beef. Typically, the hanging weight is about 60% of the live weight of the cow and typically, the amount of beef that you end up with cut and wrapped to consume is about 60% of the hanging weight. This is known as the 60/60 rule. The reason we charge based on hanging weight is because each customer is allowed to customize how they want their animal processed. They decide what cuts they want, what size and how many per package, etc. Due to the variation available, we charge based on the hanging weight, thus giving the customer more flexibility since the processing fee is already included in your price.
For reference, our average hanging weight for a quarter, which is our most popular quantity, is 150 pounds which would be a cost of about $650. No two cows are exactly the same so that number will vary with each animal.
A whole typically yields about 390-420 pounds of cut and wrapped beef. A half typically yields 195-210 pounds and a quarter typically yields 95-110 pounds of cut and wrapped beef. Just to put this in perspective, the average person consumes 54 pounds of beef each year. So, a family of four could be capable of consuming over 200 pounds of beef per year!
You will get various cuts of beef, everything from porterhouse steaks to ribs to ground beef to roasts. We can help you figure out what may be the best selections for you (you can often get more of certain things over others) but you'll get a wide array of cuts to enjoy!

Our pigs are pasture raised with supplemental non-GMO grain and have not been given any hormones or antibiotics on our farm. The amount of pork available to purchase ranges from a whole to a half. It is $3.50/pound plus a processing fee. A half is typically about 60-80 pounds of meat while a whole is typically 120-160 pounds of meat. Just to put this in perspective, the average person consumes 50 pounds of pork per year. So, a family of four could be capable of consuming 200 pounds of pork per year!
You will get various cuts of pork, everything from pork chops to sausage to loin to bacon. We can help you figure out what may be the best selections for you (you can often get more of certain things over others) but you will receive a wide array of cuts to enjoy!

We are partnering with Third Pear Farm again this year in order to offer our customers the option of lamb. The lamb is pasture raised and has not been given any hormones or antibiotics on Third Pear Farm. It is available in whole portions only for $300 plus a processing fee. A whole portion of lamb typically yields about 35 pounds of meat.
You will get various cuts of lamb, everything from lamb chops to ground lamb to steaks to roasts. We can help you figure out what may be the best selections for you (you can often get more of certain things over others) but you'll get a wide array of cuts to enjoy!

Starting in 2020, our partners at Third Pear Farm will be raising chickens for us in addition to lamb. Like us, their chickens are pasture raised with supplemental non-GMO grain and do not receive antibiotics or hormones.
Chickens will be ready for butchering about ten weeks from chick to adult. Two to three batches of chickens will be raised throughout the growing season. The chickens typically weigh 4-6 pounds and are sold for $20/bird.
Our turkeys are pasture raised with supplemental non-GMO grain and do not receive any antibiotics or hormones. We raise one batch of turkeys beginning in the Spring and ending just before Thanksgiving (that’s right, go ahead and order your Thanksgiving bird now and have one less thing to do before the holiday!). Our turkeys typically weigh about 15-20 pounds and are sold for $4.50/pound.
The chickens and turkey(s) you receive will be whole. We do not custom process them. We leave them whole so that you can utilize as much of them as possible.

Our layers are pasture raised with supplemental non-GMO grain and have not been given any hormones or antibiotics on our farm. The eggs they lay are available throughout the year. We usually have a lull around November since the girls molt and stop laying. We do not force them to continue laying during this period since we believe everyone deserves a break! 😊 We sell them on the farm for $5/dozen. Please contact us for more details.